I could tell from the start that today was going to be a scorcher- by the time we left the hotel at 09:00 it was already 28 degrees Celsius. Fortunately, our walks today were mainly in forests where it was shaded and that bit cooler. Our coach brought us to Spitzingsee, a picturesque lakeside village surrounded by hills and mountains. We took a cable car to the summit of Taubenstein where we enjoyed some lovely vistas of the surrounding mountain ranges. We began our day’s walking with a couple of ascents and had lunch at a mountain top restaurant at the summit of Rotwand. The afternoon was spent descending through woodlands and into a limestone gorge complete with waterfalls.

We walked 6 miles in total with >300m of ascent and 1000m of descent. It was still quite warm when we got back to the hotel in the late afternoon and I opted to try and make the most of the day by going for a refreshing swim in lake Tegernsee, to try and wash away the efforts of today’s walking. Hopefully, the reputed therapeutic properties of the waters here will work their magic effect on me.