Eczema videos: Your questions answered

Wintertime can be a challenging time for anyone struggling to manage eczema as the low temperature, low humidity (very dry air), central heating, and open fires can aggravate symptoms and be a common cause for eczema flare-ups. We take a look back at some of the commonly asked questions about eczema in the videos below, […]
New Irish data reveals burden of common skin condition – World Atopic Eczema Day

Over 40% of reported cutting household expenditure due to cost of managing eczema1 To mark the second annual World Atopic Eczema Day (14 September) and reveal the hidden burden of living with atopic eczema, we’ve released the key findings 1 from the Irish Skin Foundation’s (ISF) ‘Living with Atopic Eczema Survey’ which over 450 people […]
Interactive Webinar on Melanoma – 18th June 2019

The South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital and Dermcloud are pleased to announce their upcoming interactive webinar on Melanoma. Date: Tuesday, 18th June 2019 Time: 20:00 to 22:00 Cost: €30.00 Agenda 20:00 Welcome & Introduction, Dr Michelle Murphy, Consultant Dermatologist, South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork 20:05 Epidemiology & Early Detection of Melanoma, Dr Mary Bennett, […]