Mindfulness & Psoriasis Research Study

The Department of Dermatology in St. Vincent’s University Hospital are conducting new research with people who have psoriasis using a technique called Mindfulness. If you choose to take part in this research you will be randomly assigned to one of two possible treatment groups:

1. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy or

2. Treatment as Usual

What is involved in the Mindfulness Group (MBCT)?

8 weekly classes

Each class lasts 2 hours

We ask for your commitment to attend all classes and complete home exercises


The first 8-week mindfulness intervention will take place from October to December 2016.

The second 8-week mindfulness intervention will take place from January to March 2017.

What is involved in the Treatment as Usual Group?

You will continue you medical treatment as usual

You will no participate in the psychological intervention on this occasion (you will be given the opportunity to partake in the Mindfulness intervention in 2017).

All groups will be asked to complete psychological questionnaires and give blood samples on three occasions – at the start of the research, after 8 weeks, and after 4 months. We will attempt to schedule these visits around your routine attendance at your dermatology clinic.

If you would like to participate in this research or discuss it in more detail please contact Alan Maddock, PhD Scholar with the School of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin via phone on (087) 973-9568 or via email on: maddocka@tcd.ie .

Please note: this research is open to patients of hospitals other than St. Vincent’s Hospital.