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During peak-UV months (April-September) we need ‘Everyone Under the Sun’ to be SunSmart!

Everyone Under the Sun can be SunSmart!

Skin cancer* is the most common type of cancer in Ireland. Yet, the good news is that in most cases, it is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. You can reduce your risk by avoiding overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or artificial sources e.g. sunbeds.

We need “Everyone Under the Sun” to be SunSmart, particularly during peak-UV months from April to September – even if you’re just out for a walk, spending time with family or friends outdoors, or doing day-to-day jobs like mowing the lawn or hanging out washing.

Below are must-read articles, leaflets, and infographics to help you understand why it’s important to be SunSmart to protect your skin.

The ISF is a proud partner of Healthy Ireland SunSmart, an initiative of the National Skin Cancer Prevention Plan and the National Cancer Strategy 2017-26.

If you’re concerned about a change or growth on your skin, you should always see your doctor.

*Skin cancer is the abnormal, uncontrolled growth of skin cells. Skin cancers are generally divided into two main types: melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers.  Non-melanoma skin cancer includes basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Download leaflets and posters

Reduce your risk of Melanoma Skin Cancer (Holidaying at home or abroad) Webpage


Reduce your risk of Melanoma Skin Cancer (Holidaying at home or abroad) Poster


Protect & Inspect™ against Melanoma Skin Cancer Leaflet

Everyone Under the Sun Leaflet

Protect & Inspect™
All about Solar Radiation Poster

Seasonal UV Changes Poster

SunSmart Videos

SunSmart for Everyone

SunSmart for Outdoor Workers

SunSmart for Children and
Young People

SunSmart for Outdoor Leisure

SunSmart for Sunbeds!