Minister Hildegarde Naughton launches National Skin Cancer Prevention Plan 2023-2026

On 22 March 2023, Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Hildegarde Naughton, launched the National Skin Cancer Prevention Plan 2023-2026, in the Department of Health1. Rising incidence of skin cancer Skin cancer* is the most common cancer in Ireland. According to the National Cancer Registry, annual average incidence during 2018-2020 was […]
New Report Documents Sunburn, SunSmart Behaviours and Sunbed Use by Children in Ireland for the First Time

A new report titled, Children’s exposure to ultraviolet radiation – a risk profile for future skin cancers in Ireland, which was published on June 17th 2020, presents findings on children’s exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and sunbeds, UV skin protection behaviours, and sunburn. High-risk groups: children and young people The report was […]
Protect your child against sun damage!

Playing and spending time outdoors is a really important part of childhood, but it is crucial that children are protected and safe while having fun in the sun. Childhood: a critical time Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in Ireland with over 11,000 cases diagnosed each year and the number of cases […]