Avoid a Christmas Eczema Flare – Tips from the Experts

Christmas is a time that many eczema sufferers dread. Not because they do not like all the festivities (obviously), but because of potential problems associated with increased environmental exposure to the ever-present fragrance, fireside nights and central heating.   How clean is too clean?! Christmas is a time when family and friends may call. We […]

Some Simple Tips to Tackle Dry Skin this Winter

In wintertime, central heating and lower humidity (very dry air) can aggravate skin dryness. So as the temperature gauge plummets, we look at simple ways to combat this seasonal phenomenon. The epidermis at a glance The uppermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis; this forms the main protective barrier and is where drying […]

The Invisible Symptom Affecting up to 97% with Psoriasis

Common symptoms Some of the most common and recognisable symptoms of psoriasis, include raised red patches of skin, covered with silvery white scaling, called plaques. Itch is also reported to be a common symptom of psoriasis. However, it can sometimes be underappreciated as it is not a visible indicator. Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory […]

This Valentine’s Day, Love your Skin and Avoid an Eczema Flare

Our tips to avoid an eczema flare this Valentine’s Day! We know that some of you may be buying your loved one some special gifts or having a romantic date night in, so we’ve put together some tips to ensure an eczema flare doesn’t spoil your Valentine’s Day. Investing quality time If you plan on […]

Atopic Eczema – Why Scratching Can Make You So Itchy!

Breaking the itch scratch cycle in atopic eczema… What is atopic eczema? Atopic eczema is a common, non-contagious inflammatory skin condition, characterised by dry, red, itchy, skin, which can sometimes weep, crust and become thickened. The major symptom is an intense itch. The urge to scratch can be overwhelming, but only provides temporary relief, and […]

Top Tips for Avoiding Potential Atopic Eczema Triggers

Eczema triggers and our top tips to avoid them! What is atopic eczema? Atopic eczema (AE), also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common, non-contagious, chronic, inflammatory skin condition characterised by intense itch, dry, red skin which can sometimes weep, become blistered, crusted and thickened. AE is the most common inflammatory skin disorder in children […]

Dry January Could Improve Your Skin

The ‘Drynuary’ or ‘Dry January’ phenomenon may help detox your skin after Christmas! Every year thousands of Irish people do ‘Dry January’, abstaining from alcohol for one month in the hope of allowing the body to recover from the excesses of the Christmas holidays! We are all aware of the damaging effects of excessive alcohol […]

6 tips to save your skin during a cold weather snap!

Simple and effective tips to protect your skin when it’s freezing outside. Brrrrrr….   1: Take fewer, faster and cooler Showers One shower a day is enough! If you’re out playing sports or sweating a lot you can shower more often – but the key thing is to keep the time spent in the shower […]