SIVUH Dermatology Conference, Brookfield Health Science Complex, UCC

The South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital held a dermatology conference on Wednesday January 9 in the Brookfield Health Sciences complex, University College Cork. The conference covered a broad range of topics reflecting some of the work of the dermatology department and included talks on psoriasis, eczema, hidradenitis suppurativa, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, MOHs surgery and […]
Free Euromelanoma Skin Cancer Screening in Cork, 19 May

Are you worried about skin cancer? If you are 18 years of age or over, you can have a free skin cancer screening at South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital on Saturday morning from 8:30-11:30 am, 19 May next as part of the this year’s Euromalanoma awareness campaign. This screening clinic has been arranged by the local […]