The ISF has welcomed the appointment of a consultant dermatologist at Temple Street – it is understood that the post will be filled during the last quarter of 2015.
“Unfortunately Temple Street dermatology department will not be in a position to accept new GP referrals due to the considerable existing waiting list, nevertheless this development is very welcome for children with skin diseases and their families” said David McMahon from the ISF.
At present, patients on the waiting list with an appointment are been seen by a Senior NCHD (Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor) in Temple Street in consultation with the Paediatric Cross-Hospitals Dermatology Lead based in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin (OLCHC), where services are fully operational. Referrals triaged as very urgent are being seen by a Consultant Dermatologist in OLCHC as required.
Saturday clinics, run by consultants from Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Dublin and regional hospitals, will clear the Temple Street list by the year end, according to the hospital – after which referrals will be accepted once again.
Parents who have concerns about their child’s skin condition should consult their GP. The ISF is planning to open a patient helpline in the coming months and can provide advice from a specialist nurse by appointment.