The ISF was pleased to welcome Dr Ruth Adler, the Australian Ambassador to Ireland and her husband and dermatologist, Dr Conrad Goonerage, to discuss common problems relating to dermatology in Ireland and Australia on 8 August 2016.
The ambassador was welcomed by Prof Eoin O’Brien, Chairman of the ISF, Prof Desmond Fitzgerald, Vice-President for Health Affairs at UCD and Prof Frank Powell, Former Director of the Charles Institute. Guest included Mr. Padraig O’Cearbhaill, Chairman of the City of Dublin Skin and Cancer Hospital Charity, and members of the board and staff of the ISF.
Prof O’Brien gave a brief history of the City of Dublin Skin and Cancer Hospital and the foundation of the Charles Institute and David McMahon, COO of the ISF, outlined the work of the ISF.
Prof Powell brought the guests a tour of the building and demonstrated research that he and his researchers are conducting into rosacea.
The main focus of a lunchtime discussion was sun-protection to reduce skin cancer; Dr. Goonerage presented the Australian approach over the past 35 years to promote sun-safe practices in reducing the alarming incidence of skin cancer in his country and Dr. Mark Wheeler, a member of the Board of the ISF, outlined the increasing prevalence of skin cancer in Ireland, and emphasised the urgent need for a policy response by the HSE and other bodies responsible for public health .
Her Excellency, Dr Adler, closed an interesting and informative meeting by identifying how Ireland and Australia might exploit important areas of mutual interest between both countries, and Prof O’Brien, on behalf of the Irish Skin Foundation, presented a de-luxe edition of A Century of Service: The City of Dublin Skin & Cancer Hospital 1911 to 2011 to the Ambassador.