Billy Dixon is an international speaker, author and specialist in personal projection/branding. He spoke at the recent ISF Psoriasis Roundtable Meetings about maintaining a healthy mindset and why there’s nothing as destructive as isolation.
It was a real privilege participating at the round table meetings for the Irish Skin Foundation. As someone who knew very little about psoriasis I had my eyes and mind opened and will never look at this condition in the same way again.
Not one person, no matter how mild or severe their psoriasis, asked for sympathy. Rather they asked for a greater understanding from the public, employers and politicians. They were supportive of each other, shared openly their experience and give practical answers for dealing with the difficult times.
As someone who has been a patient within the health service I know how important it is to maintain a healthy mindset when the body is going through major challenges.
Trying to maintain positive behaviors during hard times is one of the best ways of keeping negative attitudes at bay. Of course each one of us will have our own way of doing this but the basics will always remain the same.
Ensuring that our body language is positive even when the world seems to be against us is essential according to every piece of psychological research.
Avoiding negative people who will de-energize us and make things appear worse. Exercise no matter what form it takes has a major effect on our attitude. Where practical, wearing clothes that make us feel good is something that the majority of us can relate to.
Of course one of the most important things we all can do is to make sure we have a good support network, as nothing is as destructive as isolation. This is why I admire this program so much. These meetings allow people to share and support as well as giving them access to psoriasis clinicians. It lets patients see that they are not the only one and that help is available.
I learned a lot from these meetings and actually came away motivated and inspired by the very people that I was there to advise and help. A big thank you and a very happy Christmas to everyone who attended and took part in the meetings and I really do hope we meet again sometime.