Pearl’s Story – Living with Psoriasis – ‘I found a new friend in the Irish Skin Foundation’

My Journey with Psoriasis

When I was four, I’m 10 at the moment by the way,

I first met psoriasis and I knew right away psoriasis would halt my play.

We did not get on right from the start as the little bugger just broke my heart.

I just could not like it as it made me feel sad, and it made people stare and tear me apart.

It brought me to doctors, who scared me so much, with probing, rubbing and then scrubbing up.

I fought and I cried to kick it away and just stop it from halting my play, it just would not go it wanted to stay. So I started to get to know it and keep it at bay.

Today we get on, I learned to accept it but know it will never go away. It stays by my side from morning to night but I won’t let it upset me because I will keep up my fight.

I found a new friend in Irish Skin Foundation they came to defend.

They changed how I feel and made me so strong by bringing me to Barretstown to have some fun with other boys and girls that have the little bugger psoriasis like me!

BY PEARLY XXXXX (with the help of Nanna)

November 2017

For more information about Psoriasis, visit our Psoriasis Section to download our booklet, What you need to know about Psoriasis or contact the ISF Helpline for one-to-one information and support.