We are delighted to present the ISF’s Strategy 2021– 2025 which outlines the strategic vision and priorities to support people living with skin conditions in Ireland, identified during our public consultation in 2019-2020.
The drafting process for this new strategy has given the ISF opportunities to take stock of our work over the past 5 years, to consider our future direction, and to put forward plans for our development. The strategy was formally agreed by the board earlier in 2021.
Dr Marina O’Kane, Chairperson of the ISF, said that the charity’s plans for support, education and awareness projects aim to bring the ISF’s work to the attention of a wider audience.
“We plan to develop our educational capacity further and broaden the scope of the resources we have available for people living with different conditions at different stages of life. While our focus will remain on the most common skin conditions, we will continue to leverage the organisation’s capacity to support people affected by a wide range of less common skin problems”, she said.
David McMahon, CEO, ISF said of the launch of the new Strategy, “Our strategic pillars strongly reflect the priorities identified by the ISF’s Board and the views of nearly two hundred contributors to our consultation process”.
Download our Strategy 2021- 2025 Document