20 questions about allergy & eczema answered by the experts at IFAN
To mark World Atopic Eczema Day 2024 which takes place on 14th September, the Irish Skin Foundation (ISF) and the Irish Food Allergy Network (IFAN) have launched a newly updated ‘20 Questions about allergy & eczema answered by the experts at IFAN’ information booklet.
The relationship between eczema and food allergy can be complicated so we have updated our top 20 questions about allergy and eczema.
It can be difficult to avoid misinformation when looking for answers. Misinformation can cause parents to worry without cause and to remove foods from their child’s diet unnecessarily.
The aim of this booklet is to provide families with bite-size pieces of practical, evidence based, reassuring information about food allergy. This booklet has been written in the form of common questions, put to senior members of IFAN, by parents attending their allergy clinics.
While the booklet is not intended to replace a clinic visit and full evaluation with a paediatrician with an expertise in food allergy, it has been written as a helpful resource for anyone trying to understand food allergy and eczema.
The ISF would like to thank IFAN for their work updating and expanding this valuable resource, with the needs of patients and families in mind.
IFAN is delighted to continue its collaboration on Eczema and Food Allergy with the ISF, which first started in 2017. The leaflet “20 questions about allergy and eczema, 2020” has been accessed by hundreds of visitors to www.ifan.ie and has acted as a valuable source of clear factual information. Since 2020, there has been a number of developments in the prevention, diagnosis and management of food allergy and IFAN is very happy to have worked with the ISF in updating the leaflet to reflect the latest evidence and best practice. IFAN is very grateful to the ISF for its continued support in designing and producing this factual informative guide which is suitable for a wide and varied audience.

The new ‘20 Questions about allergy & eczema answered by the experts at IFAN’ information booklet is available to download from www.ifan.ie, as well as from the ISF Eczema section and Information Booklets & Resources section of the website, available at www.irishskin.ie
For more information about food allergy, please visit www.ifan.ie
For more information about eczema, including our ‘What you need to know about Eczema’ booklet, please visit www.irishskin.ie