Skin Registries: Call for Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema and Alopecia Areata patient representatives

National and International Skin Registry Solutions CLG (NISR) is seeking an Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema patient and an Alopecia Areata patient to join the Executive Committees of two new skin registries for people living with these conditions. What is a NISR? NISR is a not-for-profit organisation which builds and maintains skin registries, both in Ireland and Internationally. […]

Are You Missing Out On Tax Back On Your Health Expenses?

You can claim tax relief on the cost of health expenses. These can be your own health expenses, those of a family member or any individual’s, as long as you paid for them. You generally receive tax relief for health expenses at the standard rate of tax (20%). Nursing home expenses are given at the […]

Update on Alopecia

What is alopecia? Alopecia is also known as baldness or loss of hair from the head or body. On the scalp, it may manifest as rapid shedding or gradual thinning of the hair. It could present as a patch or a more diffuse pattern. When facial hair is involved, it is called madarosis. Sometimes, there […]

Our 4th Annual Dermatology Study Day for Healthcare Professionals

On Saturday, 6th April we hosted our fourth annual Dermatology Study Day in the Ashling Hotel, Dublin. The programme was aimed at healthcare professionals with an interest in dermatology. Attendees came from all branches of nursing, pharmacy and general practice. The objective of the study day is to provide healthcare professionals with an opportunity to […]

The ISF announces details of our 4th annual Dermatology Study Day

The ISF announces details of our 4th annual Dermatology Study Day:  6th April 2019 Ashling Hotel, Parkgate Street, Arran Quay, Dublin 8. Delegates of the ISF Dermatology Study Day can look forward to a interesting line up of expert speakers from the world of dermatology. Join us for our annual series of talks on skin […]