Skin Registries: Call for Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema and Alopecia Areata patient representatives

National and International Skin Registry Solutions CLG (NISR) is seeking an Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema patient and an Alopecia Areata patient to join the Executive Committees of two new skin registries for people living with these conditions. What is a NISR? NISR is a not-for-profit organisation which builds and maintains skin registries, both in Ireland and Internationally. […]
GlobalSkin 2019 Conference

In June 2019, the International Alliance of Dermatology Patient Organizations (IADPO), also known as GlobalSkin, brought over 120 skin patient group leaders from 35 countries together in Milan for three unique events: the RareDERM Forum, the Atopic Eczema Forum and the GlobalSkin 2019 Conference. The RareDERM Forum and Atopic Eczema Forum each spanned two-days and […]