Skin Registries: Call for Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema and Alopecia Areata patient representatives

National and International Skin Registry Solutions CLG (NISR) is seeking an Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema patient and an Alopecia Areata patient to join the Executive Committees of two new skin registries for people living with these conditions. What is a NISR? NISR is a not-for-profit organisation which builds and maintains skin registries, both in Ireland and Internationally. […]
Is Your Workout Causing an Acne Break Out?

“New Year, New Me”? A common New Year resolution is to get to the gym more often or to start exercising more, so here are our tips to avoid an acne breakout whether working out at the gym or at home! Benefits of exercise Exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which is important after […]
ISF Partner of SECURE-AD Patient Registry*

The Irish Skin Foundation is delighted to be a partner of SECURE-AD, two international COVID-registries for atopic dermatitis/eczema. One registry, is completed by healthcare providers and the other registry is completed by individuals with this skin condition. Atopic dermatitis and COVID-19 registries Atopic dermatitis (AD) also known as eczema, is a common chronic inflammatory skin […]
Covid-19 and Skin Conditions – Expert Q&A

This video was recorded on 1st April 2020 with Professor Anne-Marie Tobin, Consultant Dermatologist at Tallaght University Hospital and HSE Clinical Lead for Dermatology, and Professor Brian Kirby, Consultant Dermatologist at St Vincent’s Hospital and a global expert on psoriasis, to discuss some of the most frequently asked questions that the ISF has received in […]
Survey Call for Women with Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis

Are you a woman, aged 18-45, living with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis? Would you like to share your opinions and views about what it’s like, for you, to live with psoriasis? Follow the link on the button below: Click here to take the survey! The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations(IFPA) and EUROPSO, in […]
Introducing the Irish Skin Foundation’s new brand identity

We are proud to announce the launch of the charity’s new logo and brand as part of the evolution of our work supporting people with skin conditions and raising the profile of skin disorders in Ireland. As our work has grown and evolved over the years, we felt it was time for a change. The […]