Skin Registries: Call for Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema and Alopecia Areata patient representatives

National and International Skin Registry Solutions CLG (NISR) is seeking an Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema patient and an Alopecia Areata patient to join the Executive Committees of two new skin registries for people living with these conditions. What is a NISR? NISR is a not-for-profit organisation which builds and maintains skin registries, both in Ireland and Internationally. […]

Study for people aged 18-65, living with psoriasis, eczema or ichthyosis vulgaris

Are you aged 18-65 and living with psoriasis, eczema or ichthyosis vulgaris? You may be eligible to participate in a study to investigate the role of neutrophil proteases as global regulators of IL-1 family cytokine activity in skin disorders. NEUTROPRO Study The NEUTROPRO study is a research study being carried out by Professor Irvine (Dermatology […]

Dermatology Study Day for GPs, Nurses and Pharmacists

CANCELLED Due to the rapidly evolving circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 virus, we regret to inform you we have taken the decision today to cancel the Dermatology Study Day 2020, on 21st March next.   The Irish Skin Foundation is delighted to announce its fifth annual Dermatology Study Day for hospital, community-based, GP practice, public health […]